若要去驗證這近百支的新報表正確性,不論是透過人工比對或是撰寫比對程式處理,都勢必要額外花費一番功夫。為簡化驗證時所需的人力以及正確性,這次是透過 WinMerge文件比較軟體來降低驗證成本。WinMerge 本身可針對各種文字進行比較檢視,更可以針對 Office文件進行比對(需另行安裝外掛)。當然,可別忘了利用 Command line來加速比對自動化唷!
About WinMerge
WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows. WinMerge can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle.你可能對以下連結還有更多興趣:
WinMerge is highly useful for determining what has changed between project versions, and then merging changes between versions. WinMerge can be used as an external differencing/merging tool or as a standalone application.