More than 10 million downloads in less than 48 hours after release!
We're excited for the positive reception of Google Maps for iPhone around the world. Congratulations to the Maps Team on the recognition for the passion and hard work they poured into it, for this release and over the last 7+ years.
If you're an iPhone user and haven't downloaded the Maps app yet, get it on the App Store or visit:
If you already have it -- thank you, and please tell a friend. Any feedback you have is welcomed, here in G+ or in the app (just shake it).
如此驚人的下載量足足顯示了使用者對於蘋果地圖的不滿!尤其是最近才被 Apple Maps婊
在今年發布 iOS 6之後,Apple Maps正式取代 Google Maps成為預設地圖,這意味著所有地圖相關應用(像是 Facebook打卡、通訊錄地址查詢等應用)被強制改為 Apple Maps。
除了原本網路上已抱怨過的問題外,對我來說最困擾的莫過於通訊錄地址查詢。我習慣將店家地址完整敲進通訊錄,讓我方便直接點取地址,再轉到預設地圖查詢圖資與交通資訊,而這個預設地圖變成 Apple Maps時,就是
可能或許大概 TomTom對於台灣地址的轉換不如 Google Maps與 Garmin,當門牌辨識時,總是差了一公里至兩公里,這惱人的差距可是會讓人繞上一大段路的!糟糕的是,想要變更預設地圖是不可能的!(怒)
即便我 iPhone現在有 Google Maps、Garmin兩套圖資,還是要多做一個複製貼上地址才能避免 Apple Maps的誤導(大怒)...
在癡癡等待 Apple