
以下是 CNN 訪問 iPhone街頭攝影家 Richard Koci Hernandez後所整理出來的手機攝影準則 12 tips to become a better smartphone photographer

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. ~Author Unknown \\ #iphoneography #streetphotography

當然你不一定需要一隻 iPhone,有時候,你需要的只是一台輕便的數位相機,或是一隻可以照相的手機,甚至是紙糊的 IKEA相機
  1. It's all about the light. "Photographing in the right light -- early morning or late evening -- has the potential to make the most 'boring' situation into a spectacular one!" 「光」是所有的一切!就是這個「光」就能決定一張照片成敗。
  2. Never use the mobile zoom. "It's terrible and the first step to an unsuccessful image. If you want to get close, zoom with your feet! Get close and your images improve," he said. 不論是哪一家的手機相機,現在的數位變焦功能還是會失真的,記得,不要用!(有光學變焦當然另當別論)
  3. Lock your exposure and focus. Your photos will improve 100%, Hernandez said. "With the default camera app, you can tap and hold on the screen to set where you want your exposure and focus. Once the box "blinks," it's locked. You can also use other apps like ProCamera to separately set and lock the exposure and focus.
  4. Silence your inner critic. "See if you can go one day of shooting every time your inner voice says, 'I'd like to take a picture.'"不要被侷限住了!也就是不要存在成見!
  5. Edit, edit edit. Restrain yourself from sharing everything. Post only the best, and your audience will grow. "We don't need to see all 10,000 of your ugly children," he said. "I try and pick my least ugly. it's hard to choose and very personal." 拍出一萬張照片,但是找出最喜歡的五張分享出來吧,不要讓人受不了你的醜陋世界...
  6. Technical proficiency is overrated. "Exercise your power of observation. Learn to look and see deeply." 技術能力被過度評價,更重要的是攝影師之眼!
  7. Filters don't replace a good eye. "You still need the basics. Look for the moment and light and subject. If you choose to add a sepia, black and white or other nostalgic or creative filter later [with an app such as Instagram or Hipstamatic], that's OK, but remember lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig." And if it's for journalism, he added, "then it needs to be unfiltered."當然,既然技術被過度渲染,濾鏡也是,他也沒有辦法取代你的攝影師之眼!
  8. Shoot from the hip for better candids. "Hold the phone about waist-level and tap away. Your friends and family will not know what you're doing. Be sneaky about it. The moment they know you're shooting, the images become less candid. You'll get a lot more bad shots, but when you get a good one, you'll want to hang it on the wall!"自然的拍攝,儘量不要讓拍攝對像知道正在攝影!所謂的自然就是美就是這麼回事。
  9. Give yourself assignments and deadlines. Take 20 images of one thing from different angles. You'll begin to see the world differently, even if it's just walking around the bowl of fruit on your kitchen table and observing how the light falls on it from different angles.給自已訂立任務和期限。多拍當然一定會有好相片,但也千萬不要無止盡的拍下去。要像個婚攝攝影師一樣,有個專案,有個主題!(當然,不一定會有收入)
  10. You have to know what you want to see before you can see it. "Make a list of things you want to photograph today and find them! If you know my work, then you know the No. 1 thing on my list are men in fedoras! Or any hat for that matter!"今天想拍的是什麼,然後拍出什麼?同上,列個清單,讓大家知道吧,也讓自己清楚瞭解自己想要什麼!
  11. Study other photographers. "I spend an unhealthy amount of time looking at images. It's the only way to get better, in my humble opinion. My favorites are Roy Decarava, so happy we discovered Viviam Maier, and on Instagram, a dude named Daniel Arnold out of New York is just killing it!"多看看別的攝影家作品吧!模仿等同於致敬!
  12. Always be ready. "You want to make sure that when your mind and heart says 'shoot,' you have no excuses, like, Oh, my camera was in my purse, pocket, or, gasp, your camera wasn't around. It's one of the main reasons I love mobile photography -- my camera is always with me." 準備好!拍下去!感謝時代的進步,只要一支手機就能夠準備好,不需要價值千萬的攝影器材,帶著一顆愉快心情一起拍攝吧!
Richard Koci Hernandez相關資料與連結:
If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy and colorful and lively. Mel Brooks || #procamera app



 『 麻瓜 (英語:Muggle),在J·K·羅琳的《哈利波特》系列小說及電影中是泛指沒有任何魔法能力的人,也不是出生於魔法家庭的人。麻瓜也可以被描述為體內沒有任何魔法血統的人。』 Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash 「你不是工程師,我很難跟你...
